Alan Lantieri Bio

Award Winning Author of Dancing on the Edge and Divine Restoration
Alan Lantieri attended Reformed Episcopal Theological Seminary and graduated in 1974. With a wife and child to support, he pursued a career in sales, marketing, and public relations until 1992 when he was accurately diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. With time, proper treatment, and adherence to his recovery program, his symptoms gradually decreased until his mood swings were brought under control. This led to a third career as a Certified Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist at the David Lawrence Mental Health Center in Naples, Florida.

During that time period, Mr. Lantieri was a featured speaker at two National Association of Mental Illness State Conferences, as well as the 2004 National Convention in Washington, D.C. His first book, Dancing on the Edge, A Personal and Visual Odyssey through Manic Depression, was published in 2005. Divine Restoration, Life after Manic Depression, published in 2024, is an award-winning sequel that begins where his first book left off, and details how God divinely restored Alan's soul from the ravages left by manic depressive disorder.

Mr. Lantieri is available to speak at conferences, bipolar support groups, caregiver meetings and church groups. Contact him for more information and scheduling using the form below.


  • Divine Restoration is an exposition of one man’s journey of “progressive sanctification.” It is practical in its application of Scripture and is winsomely written to allow the Spirit of God to do His work of guiding, teaching, and convicting. Alan’s treatise illustrates the truth—“It is the Spirit of God, through the Word of God, that produces lasting change!”
    Pastor Ken Davies, M.Div., Ocala, FL
  • Our dear brother Alan doesn’t give us another book that just talks about God. He has shared with us his own personal, raw, real and vulnerable walk with God. This is not a small scale, one in seven billion story. This is a story of hope that so many, like Alan, have experienced through the power of Christ, and one that so many more can find comfort in the fact that they are not alone, and that Jesus Christ can give them the same victory over their own sins and provide a real, vivacious relationship with the living God. Chapter 5 of this book is worth the price of the book alone. I look forward to using this valuable resource in my own church.
    Pastor Cory Snyder, Immanuel Southern Baptist Church, Salem, Arkansas
  • Dancing on the Edge... is an original, brief, and a direct approach to understanding bipolar disorder. This condition has been ignored and misunderstood for centuries. The visual images, as well as the vividly written portrayal of Mr. Lantieri’s life has given my wife and me a new perspective of manic-depressive disorder and provided us with hope as caregivers.
    Anyone suffering from a mood or brain disorder, together with their family and friends, will get a great benefit from reading this book.
    Bill and Susan Miranda, Caregivers, Southwest Florida
  • After reading the first chapter of Alan Lantieri’s memoir, Dancing on the Edge, A Personal and Visual Odyssey Through Manic Depression, I was totally captivated. Knowing next to nothing about bipolar disorder, I found the book informative and enlightening. Mr. Lantieri stays entirley focused on his personal experience with the disorder, its progression and the way out, without getting bogged down in trivial details, which is a plus. When I came to the end of the book, I was disappointed that it was already over, but I believe the sign of a good read is to wish for more. The unique artwork after the text provided an added dimension by which I was able to perceive and share in Mr. Lantieri’s internal experience from a completely different perspective. I want to thank him for a moving experience.
    Deboarah Anne Walton, English Teacher
  • Wow! I Danced on the Edge all day today. Words and expressions streaked across the page like a comet clearly describing the manic-depressive’s flight. The visual images have a magnetism all their own, pulling the viewer in to face the stark contrast between the “dark monster” and the light of recovery and promise. Mr. Lantieri’s message that “recovery is not only possible but achievable” is both inspirational and filled with hope. As a mother of a son coping with a chemical imbalance, I highly recommend this book to any parent caring for an offspring with a brain or mood disorder.
    Linda Chello, Assistant Librarian, Golden Gate, Florida
  • Briliant, engrossing, a quick and easy read that held my interest the entire time. There is such a huge need for material like this, not only for the sufferers and their caregivers but for the general public. Dancing on the Edge is a story of courage and determination to reach recovery one step at a time. Above all, it is a story of hope and shines a positive light on the subject of bipolar disorder as something that’s treatable. The artwork is stunning, insightful and provides the viewer with a perspective of the disorder from the sufferer’s point of view.
    Margie De Francesca, Caregiver
  • Through his book, Dancing on the Edge... Alan Lantieri took me on a fast-train trip through his psyche. I couldn’t put the book down as he carried me with him from confusion and pain to breakthrough and recovery. A beautiful human odyssey.
    John Moederle, M.I.
  • I really enjoyed this book. The text tells the story. The artwork let me see what bipolar disorder looks like. What a unique idea.
    Janet Desrosiers, Business Owner, Westport, Mass.
  • Dancing on the Edge... What a title! Narrative, together with visual images, leaves a lasting impression. I salute Mr. Lantieri for coming forth with such honesty and courage. It gives me hope to know that he was able to come out the other side of so much suffering.
    Willa Cornell, Decor Engineer, Cape Coral, Florida
  • Dancing on the Edge, A Personal and Visual Odyssey Through Manic Depression is a realistic, compelling look into the complexities and daily struggles of living with bipolar disorder and the long road to recovery. The imagery and depiction of the illness, brought to life by stunning artwork, provides the reader with a visual encounter of the various stages of the disorder and recovery. Dancing on the Edge... is an enlightening, educational and an empowering book that should be read by anyone afflicted by mood disorders as well as caregivers and mental health providers.
    Fred Richards, M.S., Executive Director of the Collier County Homeless Coalition
  • Reading this manuscript opened my mind to new ways of counseling those suffering from mental disorders. But more than that, while we are suffering, the “God Who is there” is the God who can bring instant comfort and strength, guidance and purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 isn’t just the beginning of a book—it may be the beginning of a physical and spiritual beginning! Sola Deo Gloria.
    —Pastor Willem van de Leur, B.Th., Ocala, Florida
  • Alan has addressed three of life’s important questions: “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Where will I spend eternity?” He has also shared how he dealt with life’s tribulations and triumphs. Alan makes it clear that within God’s providence, God always nurtures and guides His believers in their best interest through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, by His salvation, Word, grace, mercy, and love.
    As God continues to conform Alan to the image of His Son, He also provides illumination of His Word to encourage Alan and everyone else that studies and meditates on His Word.
    In today’s culture where Satan has created chaos and animosity toward regenerated believers, it is encouraging to read how God is faithful to His people and continues to empower them to claim victory over Satan. After reading this book, I can see how God answers believer’s life questions.
    —Don Shaw, Banker, Ocala, Florida
  • WOW!! What an amazing story! Oh, the glorious God that you must know! Thank you for sharing your life with me through this book. Your story is incredible, and your message of our Lord and Savior is God-honoring. I am sure this will have a great impact on all who read it.
    —Gary Phelps, Elder at Olivet Baptist Church, Ocala, Florida
  • I have been blessed and deeply touched as I am reading Divine Restoration again—this time for understanding and meaning. It is an honor to be a part of seeing this book printed. This book has been an encouragement, an exhortation, and a personal Bible study and has touched my heart deeply as Alan is candid with his joys and failures in this life. In every story he shares, the grace of God and fellowship of the Holy Spirit is seen to be resting upon him. May this book touch the heart and mind of each reader and stir each soul.
    —Stephanie Swanson, Graphic Artist/Editor, Ocala, Florida

Author's Books

Dancing on the EDGE

A Personal and Visual Odyssey through Manic Depression
For the last forty years or so many people have written about manic-depressive disorder: doctors, mental health workers, journalists, even manic-depressives themselves. As a result, many people (including this writer) have been enlightened, educated, and given hope; but I have yet to see anything published that visually takes the reader inside the manic-depressive psyche. One reason for this, I suppose, is because only a manic-depressive with artistic abilities could illustrate what it is like to experience a manic-depressive episode.

If it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, it is my fervent hope that the visuals presented in this book will not only help my readers get a glimpse of the world as seen through the eyes of a manic-depressive, but that they might feel something of the height and depth of their emotional experiences. No one knows what another goes through unless one first walks in his shoes, and although I would never want anyone to literally “walk” in the shoes of a manic-depressive, I do hope that as readers make their way through this book they may come as close to that as possible.

My reasons for writing this book and sharing my visual interpretations are deeply felt. I trust they will serve as a means to enlighten the general public regarding a disorder that affects millions of people and will help dispel some of the misinformation, ignorance and fear so often directed toward manic-depressives.
Where to buy

Divine Restoration

Life after Manic Depression
My first book, Dancing on the Edge, recounts my personal experience with manic depressive illness. In that book, using the written word together with artistic renderings, I attempted to describe and visually portray the pain, conflicts, and confusion associated with the disorder, the toll it took on my personal and professional life, and finally, the breakthrough that led to my recovery.

Eighteen years have passed since Dancing on the Edge was published. Since that time, several people who have read the book and have seen the work God has done in my life have encouraged me to write a sequel focusing on what life has been like for me after manic depressive illness.

There are three things I hope to accomplish in this endeavor. First and foremost is to magnify the life-transforming grace of God in my life to the praise of His eternal glory.

Secondly, I trust that it will provide hope and encouragement, particularly to my brothers and sisters in Christ who may be suffering from severe depression, manic depression, or other mood disorders.
Finally, I pray that this book will be helpful to those who may have the opportunity to counsel individuals suffering from mood disorders. It is also my hope that nonprofessionals such as parents, siblings, spouses, and friends may find the material in this book profitable as they seek to understand and care for those closest to them.
Where to buy


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